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Happy 420

On this oh holiest of holidays, we start our new Blog - Green Leaf Mommy. I'll start by introducing myself. I am a 30 year old working mother of a pretty amazing 10 year old boy. I go to church, I volunteer for my sons little league, I have a full time job in the finance industry, and I smoke weed.

I wanted to start this blog to help bring pro-cannabis as well as anti-cannabis parents together. Even with so many states legalizing marijuana, there is still such a stigma around parents who smoke. Why is drinking alcohol around other parents at a kids birthday party OK, but a parent with an odorless vape pen gets the stink eye? There needs to be a safe place for parents to discuss their fears, struggles, funny stories, to be able to ask questions and get answers without judgement.

We will have special blog contributors who will voice their stories, all of which are parents and patients. From stay at home mommies to anti-marijuana advocates. It is our hope that with open discussions more responsible adults will come out of the marijuana closet. There has been such progress in our country the last few years, and we hope it continues.

Mommies Who Smoke 
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