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Lets get political

The worst topic of them all, Politics. Now as a California residing woman who writes a pro-marijuana blog I am sure you assumed I'm a Liberal. But you know the old saying "When you assume you make an ass out of you and me". I am a pro-choice, pro-marijuana, advocate who has a strong Southern family lineage and is a registered Republican. I know, I know, burn me at the stake. I could go into some long boring tangent on my Capitalist and immigration views blah blah blah, but that is not my prerogative. Today I am here to remind the world how terrible Attorney General Jeff Sessions is so enjoy!

Let me introduce you to the man, the myth, the asshole Jeff Sessions. According to our friends at Wikipedia, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is an American politician and lawyer who is the 84th Attorney General of the United States of America. Mr. Sessions was an early supporter of Donald Trump, and like most of Trumps cabinet, was a top contender for his VP pick. (insert puke emoticon) Sessions was an Assistant US Attorney in the Office of the US Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama beginning in 1975. In 1981, President Reagan nominated him to be the US Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama. The Senate confirmed him and he held that position for 12 years until Bill Clinton's Attorney General, Janet Reno, asked for his resignation. Lets stop here for a second. I'm going to need you to stop and shake that image of a Fox News loving devil out of your head. While most Republicans do hold President Reagan as the pillar of perfection, he did make mistakes.

Sessions has been making a bad name for himself for decades. He embarrasses the South with his openly racist views. Thomas Figures, a black Assistant U.S. Attorney, testified that Sessions said he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot". He has been accused of "jokingly" referring to African American colleagues as "Boy". He has fought against LGBQT rights. The cherry on top of this mess of a man is Sessions push for stricter restrictions on marijuana. According to Sessions, “we need grown-ups in charge in Washington to say marijuana is not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized, it ought not to be minimized, that it’s in fact a very real danger.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Now every one has a right to their own opinion. Lord knows I am not in line to be the next CNN political correspondent, but isn't it time to remove these old ideologies from our Government? The US does not need another old man in power who believes its "his way or the highway". The facts are Marijuana is NOT a danger and it is NOT a gateway drug. Cannabis has been proven to help children and adults suffering from seizures, cancer, anxiety, pain, nausea, etc. So please tell me where is the danger Mr. Sessions? Please show the nation the annual percentage of marijuana overdose deaths. Or how about the percentage of murders committed on marijuana compared to alcohol.

There needs to be change. American citizens are divided like never before, but I have been noticing more and more that the vast majority of us can agree that marijuana is the future. Creating a billion dollar job market, boosting the economies of states who have legalized recreational use, and most importantly helping those who are suffering from pain and illness. If you want your voice heard Please contact your local representatives and voice your concern. Sign the loads of petitions, including the petition to remove Sessions from office. Or the easiest of all, SPEAK UP!

Mommies Who Smoke 
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